
Saver story
Saver story

saver story

In this Save for the Unexpected Partner Resource Packet, you’ll be able to support your community with tools, tips, and content that will allow them to begin to build or maximize their emergency savings and become more financially stable. While saving provides us with a much-needed financial cushion, it also helps ease the emotional burden of worrying about what’s around the corner. Nearly 1 in 2 working Americans (45%) would have difficulty paying for a $400 emergency expense, meaning they say they would not cover it with savings or put it on their credit card and pay it off at the next statement 11% say they would be unable to come up with the money.1 in 3 working Americans say they would run out of savings on hand in 1 month or less if their income suddenly stopped.40% of working Americans report they had difficulty paying for a personal expense in 2020.In fact, a recent study by Edelman Financial Engines, in conjunction with America Saves and the Bipartisan Policy Center, found that: The Coronavirus pandemic has made savings a priority for most Americans, especially those most vulnerable with low to moderate earnings.

Saver story