
Polyworks innovmetric
Polyworks innovmetric

polyworks innovmetric

“For decades, the main mission of manufacturers of 3D hardware and software, including ourselves, was to deliver state-of-the-art technologies to create data from 3D measurements. PolyWorks 2022 also demonstrates InnovMetric’s commitment towards open solutions by releasing an API to query data from its data management solution and inject it into third-party software applications. The collaboration between probing operators and their measurement hardware is raised to a new level by mixed reality display technology that enhances the operators’ perception of 3D metrology.

polyworks innovmetric

  • Digital connectivity between data and people is improved by enabling the deployment of global metadata management strategies and the programming of alerts that automatically detect failing dimensions and notify the right people in real time.
  • The universal 3D metrology platform now facilitates multipiece inspection when CAD data is not available as well as introduces a universal data hub.
  • PolyWorks 2022 offers new key functionalities that significantly expand the capabilities of its three ecosystem foundations: InnovMetric, the independent software development company that empowers manufacturers of every size to digitally transform their 3D measurement processes, today launched PolyWorks 2022, the latest release of its smart 3D metrology digital ecosystem.
  • Use automatic feature-tracking tools to quickly create curve networks.InnovMetric d elivers the premiere open digital enterprise infrastructure for managing 3D measurement data and related processes.
  • ≡ Create smooth and logical NURBS surfaces easily editable in CAD software
  • Apply all typical CAD operations directly to polygonal models and prepare these models for a wide variety of manufacturing applications such as milling, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, inspection, CFD & FEA, digital review and so on.
  • Reconstruct perfect polygonal features from imperfectly digitized geometry.
  • polyworks innovmetric

    Transform aligned point clouds into highly accurate polygonal models using PolyWorks' unique tolerance-based adaptive meshing technology.≡ Generate manufacturable class A polygonal models PolyWorks/Modeler TM (for reverse engineering) allows you to: Verify the compliance of final manufactured and assembled products through sample check inspection using automated techniques.Monitor the production cycle by automatically measuring the wear of tools and quickly detecting any abrupt degradation in product quality.Approve your manufacturing process by fully inspecting your first-assembled products.Use high-density point clouds of digitized prototype parts & assemblies to quickly identify deformations and to fix problems in the earlier stage of the manufacturing process.PolyWorks/Inspector TM (for point cloud inspection) allows you to:

    Polyworks innovmetric